Types of Saunas

Types of Sauna.

Descriptions and characteristics of different sauna types

Finnish Sauna.

Temperature: 85-120⁰С Humidity: 5-15% Number of sauna sessions per sauna session: 6-7 Duration of one sauna session: 10-15 min

A real Finnish sauna strongly resembles a Russian sauna or steam sauna. Steam is also produced in a Finnish sauna by throwing water on the heater stones. Similar to the steam sauna, you can also whistle in the Finnish sauna. The main difference between the Finnish sauna and other types of steam sauna is the extreme heat. In today's Finnish saunas, the air temperature rises up to 120 °С.

Why? The Finnish sauna improves blood supply to the skin and gives a positive cosmetic effect. The Finnish sauna is good for health due to the optimal humidity and temperature ratio.

Russian sauna or steam bath.

Temperature: 50-60⁰С Humidity: 40-70% Number of sauna sessions per sauna session: 5-7 Duration of one sauna session: 10-20 min

In the Russian sauna, there is a large brick oven that heats the steam room. Such stoves give invisible soft velvet light steam, which is obtained by heating the heating stones above +350 degrees.

Why? It is not for nothing that there is a saying in circulation in Russia: a sauna is like a second mother - it softens the bones, heals the whole body. (the proverb says: the sauna is the poor man's doctor). Sauna heat increases and cleans the pores of the entire body, removes dirt and dead skin cells. After repeated visits to the sauna, the physiological properties of the skin improve, fat metabolism normalizes, and blood supply improves. Thanks to a lot of sweating, oxidation processes are activated - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements are absorbed better, which greatly promotes weight loss.

How? Do not eat full before going to the sauna. Limit yourself to a light meal an hour and a half before the sauna. And forget alcoholic beverages on sauna day. Take a shower before entering the steam room. The water must be warm enough (36-38°C) to warm the body and prepare it for more extreme temperatures. The steam room is entered for the first time in order for the body to warm up and get used to the heat loads. There is no whistling at this stage, although the whistling is taken into the steam room and placed in the lick. The second steam room session is longer, lasting 10-15 minutes. During this time, the body will sweat properly and you will also feel the benefits of exercising. After leaving the steam room, passionate sauna lovers jump into the cold water, rub themselves with snow or, for lack of a better option, wash themselves with a cupful of cold water. For beginners, it is enough to stand in the shower at 25-30 degrees.

Steam sauna.

Temperature: 43-46⁰С Humidity: 100% Number of sauna sessions per sauna session: 2-4 Duration of one sauna session: 10-20 min

A steam room is a steam room tiled with ceramic, mosaic or natural stone. Today, the steam bath is one of the most popular SPA procedures. The optimal temperature for a steam bath is considered to be 43-46⁰C. It is ideal for people who cannot tolerate high heat and children. The temperature of the steam room is considered the most pleasant and has the most healthful effect.

Why? Under the influence of a steam sauna, the body reacts less to weather changes, is less susceptible to pathogens. Blood supply to the skin is strengthened. Pore-clogging sebum and sweat are softened and excreted, allowing the skin to breathe better. The cleansed body becomes more energetic, as a result of which the life activity of the organism improves. A steam bath relaxes you and restores your energy reserves and helps maintain health and beauty.

How? You can stay in the steam room for up to 30 minutes. Before visiting the sauna, you should refrain from eating a full stomach and drinking alcohol.

Infrared Cabin.

Temperature: 43-46⁰С Humidity: 100% Number of sauna sessions per sauna session: 2-4 Duration of one sauna session: 10-20 min

A steam room is a steam room tiled with ceramic, mosaic or natural stone. Today, the steam bath is one of the most popular SPA procedures. The optimal temperature for a steam bath is considered to be 43-46⁰C. It is ideal for people who cannot tolerate high heat and children. The temperature of the steam room is considered the most pleasant and has the most healthful effect.

Why? Under the influence of a steam sauna, the body reacts less to weather changes, is less susceptible to pathogens. Blood supply to the skin is strengthened. Pore-clogging sebum and sweat are softened and excreted, allowing the skin to breathe better. The cleansed body becomes more energetic, as a result of which the life activity of the organism improves. A steam bath relaxes you and restores your energy reserves and helps maintain health and beauty.

How? You can stay in the steam room for up to 30 minutes. Before visiting the sauna, you should refrain from eating a full stomach and drinking alcohol.


Temperature: 50-60⁰С Humidity: 45-50% Number of sauna sessions per sauna session: 1-2 Duration of one sauna session: 20-25 min

The sanarium is the mildest and most sustainable type of sauna. The sanatorium is suitable for those who love saunas, but for some reason cannot go to the Finnish sauna due to the high temperature and the Russian steam sauna due to the high humidity. The air temperature in the sanatorium is between 45 and 60 degrees, the humidity is 20-55%; it has a very sparing effect on the circulatory system. Thanks to such mild conditions, one can stay in the sanatorium for 30 minutes or more at a time.

Why? The sanatorium ensures a slow and deep warming of the muscles and internal organs. Its soft steam ensures a comfortable stay even for people suffering from high blood pressure or sudden changes in blood pressure and heart disease (with the doctor's permission, of course). The sanarium relaxes the mouth, normalizes blood circulation and sleep, improves the function of the nervous system and metabolism.

How? Before going to the sanatorium, you have to take a shower and dry yourself by rubbing strongly with a towel. When entering the sauna room, you have to state what kind of lighting and music you want and choose the aroma oil you like for the steam. After leaving the sauna, you must rest for half an hour. During the vacation, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (tea, extract, juice, compote, mineral water, kali) to restore the body's fluid balance.