Sauna Renovation

Sauna Renovation.

New life for an old sauna!

Assessment of the condition of the sauna

Preparation of renovation plan and budget

Carrying out renovation works

When preparing a renovation plan, be sure to ask for new solutions.

Need help building a sauna?

Contact us.

If necessary, we also help with advice!

5 years warranty.

Building a proper and well-functioning sauna with the help of specialists is a reasonable investment. If all the work, effort and time are factored into the money, a self-built sauna may not be cheaper. Gathering information and advice, drawing the project, searching for materials, construction and later possible corrections of errors can turn out to be more expensive than the work of professionals. We are so confident in our skills, materials and techniques that we give a 5-year warranty to every sauna we build.

Please fill out the form.

      Ebameeldiv lõhn

      On näha ja tunda suitsu

      Peale sauna on tunda väsimust

      Peale sauna valutab pea

      Kõrvetav kuumus

      Ebapiisav kuumus


      Ebamugav istuda, lamada

      Keris läheb kaua kuumaks

      Ei tööta aurufuktsioon

      Saunas on vähe valgust

      Konstruktiivsed probleemid

      Libe põrand

      Kehv sauna välimus
